My name is Jae. I'm a Mormon. Actually, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It's a mouth-full, I know. It is the official name given by revelation to Joseph Smith, Jr when the church was organized here on the earth again. Many people often refer to us as "Mormon s" because of the Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ. ( A book of scripture that tells about Christ's dealings with the people on the American continent. ) This is a wonderful church to belong to and I am going to tell you why.
Though I was born and raised in the LDS church, I, like all members came to a knowledge of the truthfulness of the gospel on my own. We each must have a mighty change of heart and choose to follow the Savior and keep the commandments. It is not easy to live this way in a world where we are often misunderstood or criticized. Growing up, I was the only member at my school aside from my siblings. My good friends respected my beliefs, but there were many who teased and ridiculed me. Fast forward into adulthood and while the tormenting has stopped, there is still the sense of being different. And not in a good way.
Maybe for some that sense of not being like everyone else would be an issue. For us, as members of the LDS faith we are taught that we are a 'peculiar people.' We are ok with that. For the most part, most of us would love for all those around us to know what a good thing it is to be a part of this wonderful, albeit, peculiar group of people.
The greatest blessing in my life is my membership in the Lord's church. Every other blessing flows from this great one. The knowledge I have that I have a divine heritage, a Heavenly Father and Mother. I was blessed to be able to come to earth to receive a body, to be given a family, and then to
one day have a family of my own.
Knowing who you are and where you come from is huge. Ask any one who has been adopted or abandoned and get a sense of the yearning they feel for wanting to know where they belong. Knowing that I have a Father in Heaven who I am created like is also powerful knowledge. To me this understanding that the God of this world is not some mass of matter, but a glorified being, with a body of flesh and bones brings a peace to my soul. The knowledge that we are part of a heavenly family is also huge. It solidifies the truths regarding the importance of the family unit here on earth as well.
I am blessed to know and have all these things in my life. I am reminded of a familiar saying. "Where much is given, much is expected." Those of us in the LDS church know this to be a familiar reminder of the Law of the Harvest. Galatians 6:7 "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." We know that we have been given much as members of the Lord's church. We are expected to sow diligently and to share what we have been given. This blog is one of my attempts to live this law.
I pray as I sow here that what I give will be pleasing to my Heavenly Father. It is His message, and that of His son's that I want to leave here.
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