Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Conference Book Club update

In my last post, prior to even seeing the first GCBC talk I mentioned Elder Cook's talk and what do you know, that is the very one used to kick off the club.  How awesome is that?  Is it possible that even on the blogosphere great minds think alike?  

Honestly, it was just an awesome talk.  I love the scripture he referenced in the beginning of his talk; “If ye have experienced a change of heart, and if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, I would ask, can ye feel so now?”2

Much of conference seemed to me to be about commitment.  I loved the explanation by another apostle the difference between testimony and commitment. 

With the "poisonous culture" around us we have "wounded spiritual immune systems."  This part of Elder Cooks talk grabbed a piece of my own testimony and validated what I know to be a real concern. Even for myself.  It is not uncommon for our testimony to waiver from time to time.  Now, after hearing General Conference, I look not so much to my testimony well-being but to my commitment well-being.  

This is another of the quotes from this talk that spoke to me:  "The Prophet Joseph pointed out that before your baptism, you could be on neutral ground between good and evil. But “when you joined this Church you enlisted to serve God. When you did that you left the neutral ground, and you never can [go] back.” 

I have seen the affects of members who do not take both feet to the covenanted side of their baptism. I have seen what happens when one foot stays in the old life.  I can testify that this counsel, this reminder, cannot be stated often enough or emphatically enough.  

In the past few days since conference I have taken the time to review many of the past conferences addresses of a couple of the apostles.  I appreciate the 'in your face' tone to a conference talk.  I don't think words should be minced when it come to how the gospel should be lived.  

I hope that you will take the time to go back and read Elder Cook's address.  Here's the 
link:  http://www.lds.org/general-conference/2012/10/can-ye-feel-so-now?lang=eng

I am grateful for the enlightened perspective that I received from hearing Elder Cook's address.  

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