Wednesday, December 19, 2012

One December Morning

December 19, 2012 It is early yet this morning as I sit on the couch welcoming in the new day. I look at the lights on the tree in the dark room. Behind me, the day begins to dawn with a light glow that is still too weak to fill the room. These are precious moments to me. The house is quiet as I close the door after wishing my husband ‘a good day.’ No one stirs yet leaving me alone with the lights and the dark and the day approaching behind me. My mind is cluttered with the list of items that already call me, pulling me from this moment of peace, bringing a sense of rushing. I sit, a while longer and take in the feelings of the lights and the season they represent. I wonder how many more of these seasons will I be able to have this way. Outside my secure surroundings today lays a world in chaos. Government bodies argue over plans and taxes. People hurt after a horrible shooting at an elementary school. The superstitious worry if their days are numbered fearing the end in sight. Others scurry on to work or school or wherever their patterned actions compel them to go. All these thoughts make this moment even sweeter. My grandchild will be here soon. The clock on the wall ticks. The light is brighter now. I’m reading an article on my smart phone on an e-magazine. The writer attempts to explain what likely happened in Bethlehem the night the Christ child was born. So much has changed in the Lord’s world since He came into His world to live his earthly days. So many today are still confused about who Jesus actually is/was. Some think there is/was only one God and he came down to earth as a child. Some have an even foggier version of the story and the nature of God and His Son. Some unfortunately do not believe at all. I believe. I believe beyond any doubt that our Heavenly Father sent Jesus, our brother, here to earth. He came into this world, as we all do, born of a woman. He is the Son of God. He is not God the Father, he, like us is God's son. Not an embodiment or formless being housing three spirits. His mission was a specific one. Foretold from the beginning by prophets of God. Today, we speak of the Christ child with reverence, knowing he is the Savior of the World. We celebrate His birth because it is one of the most significant events in our mortal history. His life, his coming, is the greatest gift the world has ever received. Its five days and counting now. Light fills the room. Stirring is heard in the rooms upstairs. The day begins, but just for a moment longer, I sit, and ponder upon what Christmas means to me and feel His peace. Merry Christmas!

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